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Main page / Documents / Rules of visiting

Rules of Visiting

These rules regulate the procedure for participation in classes and use of the dance studio “MOOVA” (hereinafter referred to as the Studio), the composition and criteria of the services provided, incl. granting the right to attend dance classes within the time frame and manner established by these rules, the terms of the subscription and the current legislation of the UAE (hereinafter referred to as the Service).
The purchase of a subscription and any other express consent to receive services provided by the Studio constitutes the Client's unambiguous familiarization and agreement with these Rules in full and without exception.
The rules outlined in this document apply to all Clients of the Studio.
Unless otherwise stated in the text of the rules, capitalized terms used in these rules have the following meaning:
"Client" or "participant" - a person who has acquired the right to use the Service (s) provided by the Studio in the manner and under the conditions established by the Public Offer and (or) the internal rules of the Studio. A client is considered to be both a person who has reached the age of majority and persons under the age of majority who attend classes and (or) events of the Studio with the consent and knowledge of the legal representative.
"Service" - granting the Client the right to attend and participate in dance classes and (or) general developmental classes and (or) internal events of the Studio in the manner and under the conditions established by the subscription and (or) internal rules of the Studio.
"Subscription" is a form of agreement for the provision of services by the Studio, the essential terms and conditions of which are contained in these rules, as well as the offer posted on the Studio's official website.
"Validity period of the Subscription" - the period of provision of the Service, determined by the number of classes and valid for the time specified in the subscription by the Studio schedule, unless otherwise specified in the subscription.
"Common areas" - Studio premises located on the territory of the Studio, used for internal events, recreation areas, wardrobe, and locker rooms.
"Dance Studio Premises" means the Studio Premises located at Yansoon 9, Al Manzil District, Downtown Dubai.
“Classroom” - Studio premises located on the territory of the Studio, used for conducting dance and (or) general development classes.

1. General Provisions
1.1 These Rules are an Appendix to the Offer, located at ___________________, and are an integral part of it.

1.2 Group classes in the Studio are conducted according to a pre-agreed schedule published on the website https://moova-studio.com/ , on the Studio's social networks, and in the Studio. Individual classes are reserved on the website if there are free slots.
1.3 In order to create the most comfortable conditions, the number of people in classes is limited, so to attend a class, you need to register in advance.
1.4 The Studio reserves the right, in exceptional cases, to change the schedule by notifying the Client.
1.5 In exceptional cases, The Studio reserves the right to replace the teacher without prior notice.
1.6 When changing the phone number, you must notify the Studio administrator since the Client's phone number is used for newsletters (notification of changes in the schedule, etc.).
1.7 We have the right to cancel classes if:
- fewer people are registered for a group lesson 3 (three) people,
- less than 2 (two) people are registered for mini-groups.
Classes canceled for other reasons due to the fault of the Studio are compensated in full and are considered not used in the subscription.
1.8 If the Rules for visiting the Studio are violated, the subscription will be canceled without a refund.
1.9 The Studio reserves the right to introduce new rules and change existing ones.
2. Rules for attending classes and staying in the studio dance hall
2.1 Arrive for classes on time by the current schedule; the Studio will not compensate for late times.
2.2 If you are late, take free seats without interfering with other participants.
2.3 If you are more than 5 minutes late for class, in order to avoid injuries and sprains, you must warm up yourself, including warming up all muscle groups then stretching and strengthening them.
2.4 If a late participant wishes to join the group, he takes responsibility for injuries received due to a violation of the lesson schedule.
2.5 Attend classes in the Studio in a special change of clothes and shoes in the format of a referral. Clothes should be clean, comfortable and in a neat appearance. Shoes must be replaceable and kept in order. The administrator or choreographer has the right to only allow the Client to attend classes if clothing and footwear comply with the studio rules. A fine of 100 (one hundred) dirhams will be charged for violating this rule.
2.6 For safety reasons, you should not exercise on an empty stomach. We remind you that high physical activity requires high energy costs! Fasting before training is unacceptable! The optimal solution would be to have a light snack approximately 2 hours before class.
2.7 During the lesson, you must listen to the instructor's instructions on the technique of performing movements - the effectiveness of the lesson and your health depends on this. The instructor is not responsible for injuries sustained during the lesson due to your negligence.
2.8 If you have health problems (deviations in the musculoskeletal system, joint diseases, hernias, varicose veins, high blood pressure, etc.), consult a specialist about the possible workload for you and the possibility of attending group programs. Remember that you are responsible for your health yourself: do not perform movements and exercises that are contraindicated for you.
2.9 To attend classes, pregnant women must provide a certificate from the gynecologist with whom they are registered regarding the recommended permissible loads.
2.10 The participant, realizing the complexity and risk of injury associated with practicing movements when performing dance routines, takes full responsibility for life and health.
2.11 It is necessary to remove equipment after using it in class in specially designated areas.
2.12 Accompanying persons are not allowed into the classroom without the consent of the teacher and (or) the Studio Administration. The waiting area is the Common Areas.
3. Causing damage to the Studio and liability
3.1 The Client bears full financial responsibility for damage caused to the Studio's property. In case of damage to the Studio, you are obliged to reimburse the cost of damaged or lost property. In this case, an Act is drawn up and signed by both parties. If you refuse to sign the Act, the Dance Studio signs it unilaterally with a note indicating your refusal to sign the Act on damage to the property of the Dance Studio, the amount of damage will be debited from the subscription or any service you paid for. In case of insufficient funds, the Client must reimburse the missing amount to the company.
3.2 You assume all risks of harm to health during independent training in the Studio.
3.3 If there are medical contraindications to active loads, you must inform the teacher and administrator about this and set an acceptable load for yourself, otherwise the instructor is not responsible for causing harm to health.
3.4 The Studio is not responsible for non-compliance by the Studio client with safety rules and recommendations received during classes. The Studio is not responsible for harm associated with deterioration of health if the health condition of the school client has worsened as a result of an acute illness, exacerbation of injury or chronic disease.
3.5 The Studio is not responsible for the loss of personal items left unattended on the studio premises. Found items are stored for 2 weeks in the lost items basket in the locker rooms, which is emptied every 15th and 30th of the month.
4. It is prohibited:
4.1 Visit the Studio under the influence of alcohol or drugs, drink energy drinks before training.
4.2 Attend classes during periods of poor health caused by viral diseases, high or low blood pressure, exacerbations of chronic illnesses, etc. These factors can cause irreversible deterioration in your health.
4.3 Wear jewelry, watches, or other sharp objects during training to prevent possible injuries.
4.4 Wear street shoes in the dance hall.
4.5 Chew anything (for example, chewing gum) during class - you are responsible for any harm caused to your health due to violating this rule.
4.6 Run, scream, push.
4.7 Perform stunts/uncontrolled actions without the permission of the instructor - they can cause serious harm to your health.
4.8 Use Studio props without permission from the Studio administrator or choreographer.
4.9 Independently use the Studio’s musical and other technical equipment.
4.10 Use the hall for any purposes other than regular classes without the personal permission of the Studio staff.
4.11 Take photos and videos in the Studio locker rooms when other people are there.
4.12 Take photos and videos in the Studio without prior permission from company employees and take pictures and videos of Studio employees and other clients without their consent.
4.13 Enter the Studio with food and drinks (except for drinks in resealable containers, such as bottles with caps) at any time, regardless of the availability of classes.
4.14 Use perfume or deodorant with a strong odor before classes and in the locker room. The Studio reserves the right to refuse entry to the dance studio if this rule is violated without refunding the lesson fee, and if the incident occurs again, cancel the subscription without refunding its cost.
5. If the Client violates any point of these rules, the Studio has the right not to allow the Client to participate in the lesson and count this lesson as used.
We ask you to be attentive to your health. It is necessary to notify the Studio staff about any deterioration in health during your stay at the Studio and any restrictions on physical education and dancing.
Following each of these rules is critical to your successful learning!
Thanks for understanding.
Success, victories, and good mood!

Administration of Studio MOOVA

Yansoon 9 - Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Blvd, Dubai
Working hours:
© 2024 Moova
Phone number:
Styles we teach:
Do you have any questions?
Email for cooperation: